
forestry services
Forest Establishment
If you are thinking of planting, I can meet you on site to discuss the different options and outline the various grants and premium available. Should you decide to plant I can process the application and manage all work to year 4, at which time the forest will be fully established. Forest Resource Management Services endeavor to ensure that landowners maximise the potential of forestry on their lands through professional management services.

  • Site assessment, layout & species Selection
  • Submission of application for approval
  • Plantation establishment
  • Maintenance for 4 years

Timber Harvesting
Its important that all harvesting operations are done right, site walks and planning are essential. We endeavor to maximize forest owners returns by ensuring sites are well managed, timber cutting is optimized to ensure owner maximizes returns and best prices found

Continuous Cover Forestry CCF

Will assist landowner in transforming from a clearfell rotation into CCF continuous cover rotation, Grants are also available for this project Woodland Improvement Scheme–Continuous Cover Forestry

Forest Thinning and Roading 
If your forest is nearing thinning age FRMS can assess your plantation and plan for a thinning operation. FRMS can also take care of the complete operation for you, including inventory, roading, harvesting and sale of timber. The Forest Road Scheme provides a road grant rate of €55 per linear meter to a maximum of 25 meters per hectare. With an inhouse engineer all work can be completed quickly and cost effectively

Native Woodland Scheme                                                                                       Approved Native Woodland Scheme Forester

Native Woodland Establishment Scheme

Woodlands of Ireland website

Forest Management Plans
If you have a grant aided forest older than 10yrs and greater than 10ha for conifers and 5ha for broadleaves you are required to submit a management plan to the forest service. FRMS can inspect your forest and submit this management plan for you.

Broadleaf management
FRMS also specialize in the management of broadleaf plantations. Pruning and thinning operations are critical in ensuring the development of a quality hardwood crop. A broadleaf thinning grant is available from the Forest Service at a rate of €1200 per hectare.